Value 3

"Ko te whakaora, he hīkoi whakāmarama. Māna anō tōna ake ara whakaora e whakarau"

"A journey of discovery where an individual leads their own unique process of moving forwards"

Nga Uāra/Comcare Values


Aoraki and Te Tiritiri o te Moana (Southern Alps) depicts the purakau and whakapapa of the Waitaha, Kati Mamoe, Rapuwai, Ngati Hawea and Kai Tahu people.

It speaks about when Aoraki the son of Rakinui, the sky father, along with his brothers left the realms of heaven to visit their mother Papatuanuku to voyage the seas and earth within their mighty waka. As darkness approached, they decided to return to Rakinui.

As Aoraki started to recite his karakia to free the waka of the earth’s surface, he wavered momentarily as he was distracted by the fearful cries of his brothers which in turn caused the waka to remain. The brothers froze and over time turned to rock and become part of the landscape.

Aoraki become the highest peak and his name remained, and his brothers formed part of the Southern Alps and the waka (Te Waka o Aoraki) became the South Island.

Rakaihautuu the ancestor of the Waitaha people also the Kaihautu of the Uruoa waka, is believed to have carved out all lakes and rivers throughout the South Island and some of the north Island with his koa (Tuwhakaroria).

Comcare Uara have been defined by our staff, shaped by our community and gifted by Iwi. They are the foundation and essence of everything we stand and strive for. “Me te reo rongo mea hinengaro kua tau, Me te whanau whakaruruhau Puta mai te oho ote ara hou”.

With a voice that is heard with a mind that is settled and with a whanau that is sheltered, come forth the awakening of a new pathway.

Our vision Our moemoea Our way.

The braided rivers depict the interwoven journeys that we embark upon, navigating sometimes turbulent waters before we reach our destination.

The waka supports the journeys we undertake and help us move in unison.

The Pounamu toki has deep meaning and symbolism associated with mana, reverence, strength and bravery.  These are some of the attributes needed to embark on the journeys we make.


